Monthly Misfit Program
Our Monthly Misfit Program is available to corporate and personal contributors. The impact this type of program will have on our ability to achieve our mission of helping special needs dogs is immeasurable. We hope you will consider this option as a way to support our work and officially join our team of Misfits! It is a monthly commitment with the amount determined by you. We can quickly and easily set you up on an automatic monthly schedule. Tax receipts for this program will be issued at the end of each tax year.
Corporate sponsors will be featured on our website and social media from time to time.
The benefits of this program include:
Providing us with a reliable monthly cash flow to pay our vetting bills.
Easy setup! Complete the attached form, and attach a void cheque. Then mail the form and the cheque to us and we will set it up from there!
You can choose the amount, the date it will be withdrawn each month and can cancel at any time (three days required for set up and cancellation).
You will receive a receipt for your donations before tax time if requested! PLEASE ATTACH A WRITTEN NOTE WITH YOUR FORM.
Increasing our ability to accept new dogs. While we try to limit the number of dogs in our care to five at any given time, with consistent, reliable donations, we can accept dogs into care knowing the funds exist to help us meet their needs.